From Death Row to the World Stage: 8th World Congress Against the Death Penalty
WTI Executive Director Herman Lindsey traveled to Berlin November 14-18, 2022 with four of his fellow death row exonerees to participate in the 8th World Congress Against the Death Penalty, an international gathering aimed at abolition of the death penalty in every corner of the world. After enduring years on death row for crimes they did not commit, WTI members Ron Wright, Joaquin Martinez, Herman Lindsey, Juan Melendez and Debra Milke, shared their insights with participants at the World Congress, nearly 1000 people from 90 countries. Debra Milke, WTI Administrative Assistant, who was innocent on death row in Arizona for 25 years before being exonerated in 2015, spoke at the Opening Ceremony of the Congress, at an event at the Italian Embassy and co-moderated the final evening panel event entitled "Witnesses: Death row prisoners and their lawyer, a unique partnership."