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Email President Biden about the UN Vote

We have 2 days to tell Biden how we feel about the death penalty.

On Thursday, the United Nations will vote on a death penalty moratorium.

The US voted no last time. Do you have a moment to ask Biden to vote yes this time?

The link above has a pre-filled message that you can click to send to the President. The more people he hears from before Thursday the better! You can also edit the message to add your own words.

Dear President, Thank you for all you have done to bring attention to the issue of innocent people who are sentenced to death in our country. I'm joining with the death row exonerees of Witness to Innocence to ask you to shift the U.S. vote on the United Nations resolution for a death penalty moratorium.As you know, innocent people are executed in countries which still have the death penalty. The UNGA vote on Thursday is your chance to help stop that tragedy. Researchers have estimated that 4% of people on death row in the U.S. are innocent. We can only imagine what that percentage is in countries with even greater challenges to ensuring conviction integrity. Moreover, the death row exonerees of Witness to Innocence, having lived on death row and seen the reality of it for those facing execution, can attest to the reality that a death sentence and execution are forms of torture. In my view, the death penalty is a human rights issue and should be abolished here at home and in every corner of the globe. As the past Board Chair of Witness to Innocence and Florida death row survivor, Freddie Lee Pitts, said “You can free an innocent man from prison, but you can’t free him from the grave.” Thank you for your consideration.

There's also a way to call.

The White House Comment Line is open from 11:00-3:00 EST today, tomorrow and Thursday.

Here's the number: 202-456-1111

Ask Biden to "shift the U.S. vote on the UN resolution for a death penalty moratorium because the death penalty is a human rights issue and should be abolished everywhere."



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