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Herman Lindsey and Clemente Aguirre Tell Wrongful Conviction Story at Cities for Life Event
Herman Lindsey and Clemente Aguirre told their stories of being wrongfully sentenced to death in a video for Cities for Life events. The...

Herman Lindsey and Clemente Aguirre Tell Wrongful Conviction Story at Cities for Life Event
Parish hosts Cities for Life event An estimated 50 people attended Our Lady of Lourdes Parish Cities for Life at the parish’s outdoor...

Herman Lindsey Hosts A Cruel Justice Special Event: Life After Exoneration
On this week's episode of Cruel Justice, Herman Lindsey is joined by WTI executive director, Kirk Bloodsworth, and Juan Melendez, for a...

Herman Lindsey talks with FIU Students about their work with the Balanced Justice Project
On this episode of Cruel Justice, host Herman Lindsey talks with guest co-host Hannah Gorman from the Balanced Justice Project and...

Herman Lindsey Talked with Shujaa Graham and Lawyer Johnson on this Week's Episode of Cruel Justice
WTI Peer Organizer, Shujaa Graham and WTI Member, Lawyer Johnson, join Cruel Justice host, Herman Lindsey to talk about their stories,...

Cruel Justice Host Herman Lindsey Talks with Elizabeth Zitrin Vice Chair of the WTI Board
On this week's episode of Cruel Justice, our weekly host, Herman Lindsey, talks with Elizabeth Zitrin, the Past President and current...

Herman Lindsey Interviews Daniel Forkkio, CEO of Represent Justice, on Cruel Justice
Herman Lindsey, weekly host of Cruel Justice, talks with Daniel Forkkio, the CEO of Represent Justice about their movement to turn...
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