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Sun Sentinel Editors Call for Death Penalty Repeal
Why has it been so easy to send innocent people to Florida’s death row? | Editorial By SUN SENTINEL EDITORIAL BOARD SOUTH FLORIDA SUN...

Herman Lindsey talks with FIU Students about their work with the Balanced Justice Project
On this episode of Cruel Justice, host Herman Lindsey talks with guest co-host Hannah Gorman from the Balanced Justice Project and...

Derrick Jamison and Herman Lindsey attend execution vigil
WTI members attended a vigil held across the highway from the death chamber during the execution of Bobby Long. READ MORE

4/20/18: WTI's Hillsborough Accuracy & Justice Workshop on WTSP News
Randy Steidl, Sabrina Smith, and Ray Krone interviewed in conjunction with WTI's Accuracy & Justice Workshop presented in conjunction...

4/20/18: WTI's Accuracy & Justice Program in Hillsborough Florida
"Hillsborough State Attorney Andrew Warren said Friday he wants his office to have a conviction integrity unit in place before the end of...
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