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5/4/18: Death Row Exonerees at Arizona's State Capitol - 12 News
"Twenty people once on death row, who were found innocent and released, stood together at the state capitol Friday, hoping to abolish the...

5/4/18: Ray Krone's interview on Phoenix's KJZZ
Recorded May 3rd, this interview with co-founder Ray Krone was done as WTI was preparing for public actions on Friday May 4th as part of...

4/28/18: Your Turn: I oppose the death penalty. That doesn't mean I support killers
"This week, Witness to Innocence will meet in Phoenix, giving us the chance to discuss capital punishment." -Dan Peitzmeyer, Executive...

4/20/18: WTI's Hillsborough Accuracy & Justice Workshop on WTSP News
Randy Steidl, Sabrina Smith, and Ray Krone interviewed in conjunction with WTI's Accuracy & Justice Workshop presented in conjunction...

4/20/18: WTI's Accuracy & Justice Program in Hillsborough Florida
"Hillsborough State Attorney Andrew Warren said Friday he wants his office to have a conviction integrity unit in place before the end of...

4/19/18: Jarvis & WTI v CDCR a hurdle that remains
"Death penalty opponents plan to fight the state’s new execution method in federal court...A separate lawsuit filed last month in Marin...

4/2/18: Lawmakers should prevent wrongful executions
Michael Graham, one of the 11 men wrongfully sentenced to death in Louisiana since 1973, calls on the Louisiana legislature to end the...

3/31/18: WTI Director Speaks at Cesar Chavez Day celebration at Barrios Unidos in Santa Cruz
" [WTI Director Magdaleno "Leno"] Rose-Avila, who lives in Philadelphia, said there are few people who empower others to 'be more than...

3/1/18: I was an innocent man awaiting execution: End the death penalty
Kirk Bloodsworth, the only death row exoneree from Maryland - and who was instrumental in abolishing the death penalty there - calls on...

1/28/18: VIDEO - Kirk Bloodsworth and the effort to abolish the death penalty in Washington State
Kirk is sending this message to Washington State Lawmakers: “End the death penalty before it kills an innocent person.” SEE MORE.
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