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Charles Ray Finch now the 166th death row exoneree
On June 25th, Charles Ray Finch was officially exonerated, making him the 166th death row exoneree in the U.S. He was wrongly convicted...

Furman v. Georgia Day
Every year, WTI celebrates a special holiday: The anniversary of the day the Supreme Court struck down the death penalty. On June 29,...

Kirk Bloodsworth Selected to be WTI's Executive Director
The Witness to Innocence Board of Directors has selected Kirk Bloodsworth to be WTI’s Executive Director. READ MORE

Kirk Bloodsworth Selected to be WTI's Executive Director
The Witness to Innocence Board of Directors has selected Kirk Bloodsworth to be WTI’s Executive Director. In November, Kirk stepped up...

International Day in Support of Victims of Torture
On International Day in Support of Victims of Torture, WTI death row exonerees stand in solidarity with other survivors, their families...

International Day in Support of Victims of Torture
On International Day in Support of Victims of Torture, WTI death row exonerees stand in solidarity with other survivors, their families...

Derrick Jamison and Herman Lindsey attend execution vigil
WTI members attended a vigil held across the highway from the death chamber during the execution of Bobby Long. READ MORE

Derrick Jamison and Herman Lindsey attend execution vigil
[Photo: Taking turns Ringing the Execution Bell for thousands of inmates to hear.] A vigil was held across the highway from the Death...

WTI "Puts the work and power of prosecutors in perspective."
WTI led an Accuracy & Justice workshop in Baltimore, MD with State's Attorney Marilyn Mosby's office. READ MORE

WTI hosts workshop with Baltimore Conviction Integrity Unit
[photo: State's Attorney Marilyn Mosby with WTI death row exonerees Sabrina S. Butler Cotton, Gary Drinkard, and Kirk Bloodsworth]...
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