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Anthony Ray Hinton shares his story with HuffPost
HuffPost just released a video profiling exoneree Anthony Ray Hinton. In the video, Hinton discusses his wrongful conviction and how it...

Juan Melendez Gets a New Smile
Last Saturday, the Smile Generation provided Juan Melendez with free dental work to fix the lasting damage to his teeth from his time on...

Juan Melendez Gets a New Smile
Last Saturday, the Smile Generation provided free dental care to patients in need all over the country as a part of their annual Smile...

Kwame Ajamu, Sabrina Butler-Smith, and Gary Drinkard Share Their Stories at A&J Workshops in Col
Kwame Ajamu, Sabrina Butler-Smith, and Gary Drinkard spoke to attorneys and law enforcement in Eagle County and Summit County during an...

Kwame Ajamu, Sabrina Butler-Smith, and Gary Drinkard Share Their Stories at A&J Workshop in Colo
Earlier this week, death row exonerees shared their stories with attorneys and law enforcement in Eagle County and Summit County. This...

Florida Rep. Joe Geller Apologizes to Ron Wright for Wrongful Conviction
During a meeting in April set up by Floridians for Alternatives to the Death Peanalty, Ron Wright recieved an apology from Rep. Joe...

Florida Rep. Joe Geller Apologizes to Ron Wright for Wrongful Conviction
Ron Wright, who was wrongfully convicted and served 8 years in prison for a crime he did not commit, never received any compensation or...

Randal Padgett and Gary Drinkard speak at Birmingham School of Law
Randal Padgett and Gary Drinkard spoke to law students and law enforcement at Birmingham School of Law about wrongful convictions and...

Randal Padgett and Gary Drinkard speak at Birmingham School of Law
Randal Padgett and Gary Drinkard were invited to speak at Birmingham School of Law earlier in August. The topic of the event was wrongful...

Ray Krone & Herman Lindsey speak at NCSL Summit
WTI Board Member Herman Lindsey and WTI co-founder Ray Krone were among experts sharing their perspectives and views on the death...
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