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Accuracy & Justice workshop at King County DA's office in Washington
Ray Krone, Randy Steidl, and Herman Lindsey along with attorney and board member Richard Dieter held and Accuracy & Justice Workshop in...

Accuracy & Justice workshop at King County DA's office in Washington
Ray Krone, Randy Steidl, and Herman Lindsey along with attorney and board member Richard Dieter held and Accuracy & Justice Workshop in...

Bryn Mawr School welcomes Kirk Bloodsworth after reading his book
Many students at the Bryn Mawr school in Baltimore read Kirk Bloodsworth's book and were excited to hear him speak when he visited...

Bryn Mawr School welcomes Kirk Bloodsworth after reading his book
Many students at the Bryn Mawr School in Baltimore read Kirk Bloodsworth's book, Bloodsworth: The True Story of the First Death Row...

Witness to Innocence sends clemency letter on behalf of Julius Jones
Witness to Innocence, many other national and state organizations, and civil rights activists have sent clemency letters to the Oklahoma...

Witness to Innocence sends clemency letter on behalf of Julius Jones
Witness to Innocence, many other national and state organizations, and civil rights activists have sent clemency letters to the Oklahoma...

Exonerees speak as family of executed man petitions for DNA testing
Sabrina Butler-Smith, Ray Krone, and Kirk Bloodsworth spoke at a press conference about the need for DNA testing and the fact that it can...

Exonerees speak as family of executed man petitions for DNA testing
Sabrina Butler-Smith, Ray Krone, and Kirk Bloodsworth spoke at a press conference in response to a petition from the family of Sedley...

Witness to Innocence speaks out against death penalty and stands with family of Rodney Reed
Juan Melendez and Shujaa Graham stood with the family of Rodney Reed at the rally to stop his execution on the steps of the Supreme...

Witness to Innocence speaks out against death penalty and stands with family of Rodney Reed
The day before World Day Against the Death Penalty, exonerees Juan Melendez and Shujaa Graham joined others at a rally for Rodney Reed, a...
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