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Joaquin Martinez Spoke to Wrongful Convictions Class in Texas
On Wednesday, September 23rd, Joaquin Martinez spoke to a wrongful convictions class at Texas Christian University. There were about 30...

Kwame Ajamu and Ricky Jackson Spoke at Ohio Event "Executing the Innocent"
On Tuesday, September 22nd, Kwame Ajamu and Ricky Jackson spoke at an Ohio event titled "Executing the Innocent." There were over 100...

The Death Penalty Information Center Releases New Race Report
The Death Penalty Information Center released a new report which examines the historical role that race has played in the death penalty...

The Death Penalty Information Center Releases New Race Report
Death Penalty Must Be Part of Current Debate About Criminal Legal System Reforms (Washington, D.C.) As social movements pressure...

Kirk and Clemente React to Pervis Payne's DNA Testing Verdict
On September 16 Pervis Payne was granted DNA testing of the evidence in his case. Kirk Bloodsworth and Clemente Aguirre are two WTI...

Robert DuBoise Becomes Death Row Exoneree Number 172
Robert DuBoise was finally exonerated after 37 years. He is the 30th person exonerated from Florida's death row and the 5th person...

Robert DuBoise Becomes Death Row Exoneree Number 172
(September 14, 2020 — Tampa, Florida) Today, Robert DuBoise was exonerated from all charges in the 1983 rape and murder of a young woman...

Curtis Flowers Becomes Death Row Exoneree Number 171
After 23 years in prison, six trials, and four death sentences the charges against Curtis Flowers have finally been dropped. READ MORE HERE

Curtis Flowers Becomes Death Row Exoneree Number 171
At long last, Curtis Flowers is free. The Mississippi man endured nearly 23 years behind bars, six trials, four death sentences and, most...

Executive Director, Kirk Bloodsworth, Speaks to University of Illinois Class
On September first, Kirk Bloodsworth, the Executive Director of Witness to Innocence, spoke virtually to a University of Illinois...
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