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Attorney's Push for DNA Testing to Prove Innocence in Sedley Alley Case
Sedley Alley was executed in 2006 despite strong innocence claims. Now, his attorney's are fighting for his right to DNA testing, in a...

Attorney's Push for DNA Testing to Prove Innocence in Sedley Alley Case
Bloomberg Law - Powerhouse attorney Paul Clement is pressing a Tennessee court for DNA testing to prove a man’s innocence in a potential...

Ron Keine Spoke about Bill to End Qualified Immunity in New Mexico
Ron Keine spoke with Brena Boatman from Americans for Prosperity - New Mexico about a bill to end qualified immunity. Watch here

Kwame Ajamu Speaks at Ending Ohio's Death Penalty Press Conference
Kwame Ajamu spent 28 years on Ohio's death row. Today he talked about his experience in a press conference about a bipartisan bill to...

DPIC Report Shows that 185 People have Been Exonerated from Death Row
New findings from the Death Penalty Information Center show that the "Innocence Epidemic" is even worse than we thought. Most wrongful...

National Geographic Features WTI Exonerees
In a groundbreaking article, National Geographic highlights the injustice of capital punishment through the stories of death row...

Kirk Bloodsworth Testifies in Support of Maryland Compensation Bill
Kirk Bloodsworth tells his wrongful conviction story in a compelling testimony to legislators, ahead of a vote on the Maryland Wrongful...

Kirk Bloodsworth Testifies in Support of Maryland Compensation Bill
Kirk Bloodsworth Testimony in Support of MD SB14 Dear honored members of the Maryland Senate, My name is Kirk Bloodsworth. I was...

Cruel Justice Host Herman Lindsey Talks with Joyce House
On this week's episode of Cruel Justice, Joyce House talks with Herman Lindsey about her son, Paul House's case, and the affect of the...

Christopher Williams Exonerated After 25 Years on PA's Death Row
After 30 years in prison, 25 of which were on death row in Pennsylvania, Christopher Williams has finally been exonerated. He was...
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